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Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Assassination of Jesse James

The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford

Rating: 2/5

This is one of the longest movies I have ever seen. It is because its so slow and has very little action. The anticipation to see Jesse James getting killed was immense. I wanted him to die so bad because it would mean the end of the movie... but i was mistaken. There was another 15-30 minutes after it in which was more painful than the first 190, but with a surprisingly satisfying end. Note: the narrator throughout the movie should of been shot as well.

my xfire convo about this movie

[20:11] .|.. Rubio: guess what happens at the end of this movie?
[20:11] .|.. Rubio: its a tough one
[20:11] .|.. Rubio: i'll give you time to figure it out
[20:11] .|.. Rubio: heres a hint
[20:11] .|.. Rubio: its called 'the ASSASINATION of jesse james'
[20:11] .|.. Rubio: still dont know?
[20:11] .|.. Rubio: times up!
[20:11] .|.. Rubio: He gets ASSASINATED!!!!!!
[20:12] .|.. Rubio: my god
[20:12] .|.. Rubio: what a waste of 3 hours
[20:12] .|.. FreshMeat: lol
[20:12] .|.. Rubio: it took 3 hours to kill this assshole
[20:12] .|.. FreshMeat: funny shit
[20:13] .|.. Rubio: should of done me a favour and did it up in the first 2 minutes, tarintino style
[20:13] .|.. Rubio: then we have a movie
[20:13] .|.. Rubio: ffs


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