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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Journey to the Center of the Earth


Professor Trevor Anderson receives his teenager nephew Sean Anderson. He will spend ten days with his uncle while his mother, Elizabeth, prepares to move to Canada. She gives a box to Trevor that belonged to his missing brother, Max, and Trevor finds a book with references to the last journey of his brother. He decides to follow the steps of Max with Sean and they travel to Iceland, where they meet the guide Hannah Ásgeirsson. While climbing a mountain, there is a thunderstorm and they protect themselves in a cave. However, a lightening collapses the entrance and the trio is trapped in the cave. They seek an exit and falls in a hole, discovering a lost world in the center of the Earth.


First thought when watching the start of this movie was... ah shit... this is gonna suck. Then, amazingly, it picked up. The movie was made to watch in a total 3D environment, from start to finish, and you can really tell it was cause there's a lot of scenes that are visually stunning. Its like watching any of the "Mummy" movies with Brendan Fraser, good action movie with funny quirks throughout.

Rating: 3/5


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