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Sunday, February 8, 2009

We own the night


Brooklyn, 1988. Crime is rife, especially drugs and drug violence. A Russian thug is building his heroin trade, while everyone laughs at the cops. Brothers have chosen different paths: Joe has followed his father Bert into New York's Finest; he's a rising star. Bobby, who uses his mother's maiden name, manages a club. Bobby too is on the rise: he has a new girlfriend and a green-light to develop a Manhattan club. Joe and Bert ask him to help with intelligence gathering; he declines. Then, Joe raids Bobby's club to arrest the Russian. From there, things spiral out of control: the Russian puts out a hit on Joe, personal losses mount, and Bobby's loyalties face the test.


This is an odd one. It had great promise at first with all the big name actors/actresses in it -- Marky Mark, Jaquoin Phoenix , Robert Duval and smoking Eva Mendez. In the end though, I think the movie went a different went then what I expected. It was still good just kinda weird. Pretty strong performance from Phoenix as usual.

Rating: 3/5


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