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Sunday, February 8, 2009

There will be blood


The film follows the rise to power of Daniel Plainview - a charismatic and ruthless oil prospector, driven to succeed by his intense hatred of others and psychological need to see any and all competitors fail. When he learns of oil-rich land in California that can be bought cheaply, he moves his operation there and begins manipulating and exploiting the local landowners into selling him their property. Using his young adopted son H.W. to project the image of a caring family man, Plainview gains the cooperation of almost all the locals with lofty promises to build schools and cultivate the land to make their community flourish. Over time, Plainview's gradual accumulation of wealth and power causes his true self to surface, and he begins to slowly alienate himself from everyone in his life.


This movie is pretty much just one big Daniel Day-Lewis flick. He does a really good job in portraying the main actor -- he did win the oscar for it. The story is meh and gets boring over time. The ending is also disappointing yet satisfying but that seems to be the theme these days (no country for old men ect..). The character of the preacher in this one was wanting me to kill him... so i guess they did a good job in that regards. Still a good movie though. I'd check it out just for Lewis' performance.

Rating: 3/5


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